Thursday, February 5, 2009

Better late then never!

So I am not so good at blogging. I never seem to have enough time to sit down and type. But I guess late is better then never. So lets see...December was filled with the holidays. My mom, dad and two brothers came down for 2 weeks. So our house was full, 8 adults and 4 little kids. We had a great time. We did some shopping, hit Disneyland a few times, played with the kids and had a good Christmas.
Jan we celebrated Catie & Jaxon's first birthdays! The rest of the month was filled with trying to find a new house. Since we can't get a jumbo loan to buy the house we want, we bought another rental property and are renting a bigger house! So this will be the 9th move for me in 9 years, Crazy. The good thing is we don't have to be out of our current house til the end of the month. And we have the keys for the new place already. So we have some time to move but still a pain with 3/4 little kids. But we are really excited cause the neighborhood is so great. Grady has 3 friends from preschool who live on the street. So we are looking forward to a family friendly neighborhood which we have never had. Also this month...I will be competing in my first swim meet in about 5 yrs. It should be fun, a bunch of friends are going to the meet too. And at the end of the month we will all be heading to Oregon! So a busy month is ahead of us. I hope everyone is doing well! I will post pictures soon from the holidays and everything else!