Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The New Addition

Okay so I know everyone is wondering about our new addition. So here is how the story goes... Thur. Jan. 24th we get a message saying our friends daughter (who is 15) is sick and her mom is taking her to the ER. So then a few hours later we get another call saying that she has been moved to Labor & Delivery. So Mike goes to the hospital and calls me to tell me she is having a baby. So I load the kids up and head to the hospital. Since our kids couldn't be in the room we took turns in the lobby with the kids til the baby was born.

So at 6:45 pm the baby was born weighting 5 lbs 5 oz. And I got to be there for her birth. She was small but did really well. Since she had no prenatal care they took her to the nursery to put some IV's in her and to watch her since they weren't sure how far along she was. Turns out she was born around 38 weeks so she wasn't really a preemie just small. She came home with us Sat night and we have had her ever since. She is doing good and putting on lots of weight already (6 lbs 12 oz as of today) So she is doing good! Now we are just going through the legal process.

This is one of those stories you hear about the kid being pregnant and no one knowing. She hid it well since we saw here mid Dec and had no idea. So we are just glad they are both ok and that she has made the best choice for the baby. I can't imagine what she is going through so it's a little bitter sweet for us. So that's the story of how Kennedy Cathrine Marie came into our life.


Monica said...

I had no idea, but I think it's great. You'll have to post some more pictures of her. I love her name too, we almost named Brooklyn that.

I sure hope you get to catch up on some sleep! Let me know how it goes!

Kate said...

Congratulations! Post pictures soon!!!

Brooke said...

wow, that's so amazing!